First of all- I hope everything's alright at home! If you EVER need anywhere to stay, please let me know, my mom would be more than happy for you to come over, she just loves you, I swear! Everything ok?
So yesterday my mom had a huge party for all her friends from work, including her one-eyed boss and her gay, black boss. Needless to say, it was a real party! There were a few kids over and for some insane reason my mom decided it would be a good idea to get Silly String. TERRIBLE IDEA. I even told her it wasn't going to go well. So she got some crap from the dollar store called, "Goofy String" and the kids loved it. It was a ridiculous MESS. And on the side of the can, it said something that made me think of YOU!
I just imagined you saying, "BIG FUN" if your little accent. Awww god, I miss you!! :'(
As for your gifts, first of all, that is SO sweet of you!! Lately I've been really into rings. Necklaces too, but rings especially. I'm a size 7, and I checked online which translates to 54 in Europe! Haha. And I'm sure my mom would love anything food related. Maybe like jams or something cute. I don't know, she's not picky! And I will absolutely pick YOU something cool up when we go to Woodstock, New York! We are in fact going to see Levon Helm at his house and I'm SO excited. It's the cutest little town. I'll be gone three days in the beginning of August. I think the 4th, 5th and 6th. I'll get you something awesome.
For now, I need FOOD. I got home from a really fun, believe it or not, night of work tonight! We were BLASTING music, and upon my request, they played some Avenged Sevenfold for me. I was SCREAMING Bat Country and Nightmare. So happy. So. Effing. Happy. A costumer actually said my voice sounded great! Haha. It's funny how A7X makes my awful job bareable. They should come get waterice. Sexy. Johnny gets a kids size.
Love & one-eyed bosses,