Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Oh haiiiiiiiiiiiii! I'm listening to Mr. Marshall Mathers right now. I'm a big fan. Anyway, late update, cuz I came home at one in da mornin last night lolz.
Anywho, I really like that color of nail polish! I haven't ever used anything like that.

So let's see. Yesterday was pretty hot. Again. Ew. But I went to go see the Galeries Lafayette yesterday! It's this huuuuuge building full of stores that I could never dream to afford anything from. Ex: Hermès, Chanel, Dior, etc. Buuut, I did try on some lovely Chanel shoes! Too bad they were 400 Euros. ON SALE. WTFFFF. Apparently, according to my sister's fiance, who took me, a bunch of rich Middle Eastern ladies come there and literally spend all day shopping. Loserz! 
This is the center of the Galeries Lafayette.... I know... crazy!

This is the dome at the top. It is SO beautiful.

I also saw the Opera house. It was stunning. Didn't get any pictures... too many peepz.

After that, my sister joined us and we went to go see Blue Valentine. I thought it was great; I recommend it! Sad, but very realistic. After we got out of the movie theater... started rainin' all up in dis bitch! Aaaand we went to dinner. Though it took forever for us to get seated (French people will sit in a restaurant for HOURS), it was worth it because the food was delicious! I got this thing which was a big piece of bread topped with tomato sauce, zucchinis, mozzarella, and pesto. YUM.
Not a cocktail.. just soda water wit grenadine lolz.

 Afterwards, we sprinted to the metro and went to Montmartre, where it stopped raining.. Literally translated, Mountain of the Martyrs. Cuz dey are all buried up in dat place. It took about 489725 flights of stairs to get up there, but definitely worth it! Then some black guy selling some light up toy starting yelling at me in Russian. I. DIED. LOLOLOL. Nothing he said made much sense. On the way back down from Montmartre was such a cute town. Sooo European and pretty! Anyway, from there, we made our way back home.
I think that's all the interesting stuff that happened!
I hope Gabe takes some time away from hanging out with Max Green to see his friends with eyebrows (lyk u).

Soda & Eyebrowz,

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