Saturday, June 25, 2011

I Luv Perverts

HHAHAHAHAHHAHA. omg. his boots were made for walkin'! that's possibly the funniest thing that I have ever seen. How do they know our lives so well?
As for your Daily Booth... holy. crap. Sooo funny! I got the biggest kick out of Ray Charles. And for bald men (not joe). I actually creeped on Steven Valera's Daily Booth as well..... LMFAO. It made all of yours so much funnier because I actually understood the captions. Why is he so goddamn weird? NO ONE CARES ABOUT HIS LIFE.
tehehehhe. he looks constipated. gotta poop.

Now let's see what I did today. I woke up around 12. Then had sum french cereal and a white peach! So tite.   
My sister and I decided to go for a run today, and the weather was peeeerfeeeect. We ran around the Bastille and then through like some gardens and "la promenade". We stopped around some lawn that was really cute, because it was so pretty. And there were a lot of people with their kids. Cute French kids! Plus some tanning old ladies... in their bathing suits... EWH. Apparently there isn't too much sun in France, so when their is, everyone lays out and tans?

After that I pretty much just napped, had yogurt with granola for lunch and then went out for the night! 
Today there was a Gay Pride thing around the Bastille, and it was so funny. I have never seen so many gay people in my LIFE. and lezzies. They were all super friendly and sang to me xDD Probably because 90% of the people there were drunk.... and a little rowdy! There were ambulences all over da place, and broken glass and stuff. French. People. Are. Crazy. When we were making our way to the metro, these guys were apparently saying some pretty nasty stuff. They were these three drunk guys, and pretty much the only thing I understood is that they were saying "blonde girl" and "Can I have sex?" LMAO. Finally sister and I met up with her fiance, and we got food at this lil Japanese restaurant. I got cucumber avocado rolls, miso soup, rice, and this like.... fried cheese? It was cheese on a stick fried in rice flakes. It was actually delicious. We took the food to this very pretty park and had a picnic. There was a little lake there with boats and everything :D 
  Now for some exclusive pics that will never be shown to the general public!

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