Friday, June 24, 2011

Max Green in Handsum

WHOA. WHITE BABY. BLACK PARENTS. Reverse Lambesis family. Mind fuuuuh! So it's 1 AM and I like, JUST, got back from Johanna's house. We were being complete idiots all night long. Ever heard of Daily Booth? We LOVE it. It's the dumbest thing ever and we found Steven has one, not Spence, Grease, and so originally we just mocked everything he did but then we got a little more adventurious and did our own weird stuff. If you'd like to see, here you go: Our Daily Booth (Timsballs666) Yup, Tim's balls. So if you ever start to miss our ridiculously weird antics, just check the Daily Booth and you'll be remember in the strangest of ways!!
That was a very beautiful picture of Max Green you showed me! But personally, I think his makeup is just goregous in this one.

Not scary or anything. He's a MAC boy.

Dear Max Green,
Grow eyebrows.

What a weird mofo. Why would he EVER think that looks acceptable?!!? I DON'T GET IT! Escape The Fate is unfortunately on the Uproar Festival, on the main stage!! WTF!? Not cool. They're one of those bands I don't care about, yet I've seen more than some bands I actually love. I'm pretty sure this will be my thrid time seeing them. Same with blessthefall. Hate them. Saw them three times. I've seen both more than Nightwish! WTF!? I LOVE NIGHTWISH! I think Nightwish and HIM should tour together because they're both Finnish and we should totally go together and have the greatest time ever.
Honestly, I want you to see HIM so bad.
I want you to have the amazing explosion of emotions inside your body when your favorite band of all time walks out on stage. There is nothing in the world like it. I don't think I'll be as happy when I have my first child as I am when I see Synyster Gates beautiful self grace the stage. Well, yes I will. Because the father will BE Synyster Gates! AHAHAHH! SPERM!
WTF. Insane.

Oh, totally forgot to ask you! What's the deal with your next school year? Are you definitely going to spend it in France or is that still up in the air? Just wondering. As much as I don't want you do leave again, I think it'd be an incredible experience for you and it would look really good for colleges. WTF A LIGHTENING BUG FLEW INTO MY HAND WHILE I WAS TYPING. Ewwwwwwww. It's on my keyboard and it's lighting up. GTFO, Bug!

Love & black people,

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