Thursday, June 23, 2011


So I might as well start you off from my arrival to the airport. Everything went by super quick, thank GOD, even though the black lady wiped my palms... at least she didn't make me get nehkeddd! And then I bought some Green Machine. Which was so delicious and expensive. $4.50 for that ish! DAT A JOKE?!
Then some retard girl at the gate was on the phone and was like "It's haaaaaaaawwwwwt............ I don't know, but it's haaaawwwwt." Shut up, idiot! I have enough noise with those gay weird german choir kids.
Finally, an hour and a half later, I got on the plane. I sat between an azian couple and a middle aged-to-old french man.
Turns out, the damn plane didn't even have wifi! i was mad. because i couldn't read or update our blog >:(
so instead, I watched 'Just Go With It' (funny movie), an episode of Entourage, an episode of the Simpsons, and the first twenty minutes of 'True Grit', which I have already seen... 
They didn't have any good music options... it was all classic rock crap, and easy listening, and smooth jazz. How bout dat metal?Q!??! oh, a Q. So then I wuz really sleepy around 2 AM American time so I went to sleep.
This is my plane. Except it was in the air and people were on the inside. But it WAS U.S. Airways!
No peanuts :(

So it was quite a tite squeeze between azians and french man, because that man used both of the armrests, and azian lady put literally all of her body onto the seat, curled up in a ball. I had nowhere to lean, and my butt was crampin up! I only got to sleep for like... two hours. suckzzzzz. I decided to turn on the GPS and see where we were and stuff. The light from the screen made french man wake up and look unhappy but HAHAH I DON'T CARE. We had traveled 2000 miles so far, were going 600 miles per hour, and were 37,000 feet in the air. And fun fact, it was -67 degrees outside of the plane in da cloudz! 
      Anyway, for breakfast we had little danishes. French man asked me if I wanted his! I was like aw, no.
Then we landed, and I pooped cuz i was so scared that i was gunna die. Once I was off the plane, a french man (not the one off of the plane, lulz) checked my passport and was quite pleased to know that I spoke a little French! Clearly the other American retards on the plane didn't. Found my sister, got on the metro, got on the subway, got to parizzzzzzzzzz!
Btw, french people... VERY pushy, very rude, dirty, and smelly: 96% of them. the parisians, anyway. 
But my sister's fiance is very nice, I like him! Funny foreign man, teheheheh.
Dis is not him.
Then we went to the French market to get fruits and vegetables; there are all these kinds that I've never seen or had before. Literally the cutest place I've ever been to.
It's just like a million stands. They have ones for seafood and clothes and stuff, too. I'm going back on Sunday because apparently that's when they have stands with all these different types of breads and cheeses, plus a stand with an Italian lady selling rugs! And all this other fun stuff.
So that's pretty much all I did today. It was exhausting and amazing. I'll take some pictures of the apartment and the city later on once I've had a nice jet lagged nap :D 
P.S. I laughed so hard at the questions and shtuff, especially Syn fancying Zacky. Ewwww!
P.P.S. I DID hear 'That Fire' and I swear to god, I DIED. POOP EVERYWHERE. SO AMAZING. I want to listen to it on loop until I die.
P.P.S. Tim looks beautiful with all the fish. From Nick's tatt. 

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