Friday, June 24, 2011

Wish I Was There!!!

 So it's 1 PM and I just woke up. I need to become a touring musician some day, no other occupation will suit my sleep schedule. My god, those pictures are incredible. It makes me want to travel so bad! That tradition with the locks with your lover's name. So. Cute. Let's just say I'd be putting up locks like their's no tomorrow. Syn, Nick, Gabe. That's probs it. Maybe I'll put 2 up for Syn. I was actually just thinking about seeing him in front of me again and I got a lump in my throat. And then a bulge in my paaaants! ;D Keepin' it French right now, here's some pictures of A7X playing in Lille, France. (Relatively near you!) Don't worry, they were there before you got to France. If you came when they were there they would have picked you up, (literally) at the airport.
Genetic masterpiece of a man♥

Spread ya legs!

Got no parents.

I also found out we're not taking a legit vacation this year. And I want to die. However, we WILL be taking some weekend trips and day trips and whatnot. There is one I'd really like to do, it's still up in the fire, but I REALLY hope we go. Let's explain, it's kind of confusing...
So, there is this musician named Levon Helm, he's like 70 and he's the most adorable old man on the planet. See?

I wish he was my grandpa :'(
So, now he has a solo career but he used to be the drummer of a band called, "The Band." They were HUGE around like Grateful Dead time. Levon does these concerts at his house, his actual house, in Woodstock, New York called, Midnight Rambles. My family went to a ramble a few years back, but then I wasn't as into his music. Now, I LOVE it. It's great. Not typical of what you think I'd like, but I just love it. So, we might be going to see one of his shows and hang out in Woodstock for a few days. I REALLY HOPE WE GO! Not only do I love seeing Levon play, (he gave me a drumstick last time I saw him) but Woodstock is just the cutest little hippie town you'd ever want to see! And I could get some great pictures to show you!

Well, I need to get some food! I can't decide between leftover pizza or macaroni and cheese! UGH. Life decisions. Guess I'll flip a coin. Or toss a midget.

Love & no parents,

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